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Imperial Academy 1

Imperial Academy 1

Etching, aquatint, carborundum and collagraph

64 x 59.5 cm Unframed

Numerus clausus
40 copies
Certificate of authenticity included

Work from

Su Xiaobai

Su Xiaobai is one of the foremost contemporary artists in China. His work is inspired by both Chinese artistic heritage and Western developments in modern abstraction. Later, he began to focus on the essential characteristics of colour, shape and surface.

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More works by the artist

Intellectual Aristocracy

Su Xiaobai, 2013

Editions 17.7 x 38.2 in

Kuanhou – Autumn

Su Xiaobai, 2015

Editions 24 x 22.3 in

Kuanhou – Summer

Su Xiaobai, 2015

Editions 24 x 22.3 in

Intactness B

Su Xiaobai, 2015

Editions 23.6 x 25.6 in

Intactness A

Su Xiaobai, 2015

Editions 23.6 x 25.6 in

Moonlight Halo

Su Xiaobai, 2015

Editions 24 x 22.3 in


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