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Masters Neoseries

A collection of pieces by masters such as Caravaggio, Rubens or Velázquez that goes beyond the walls of a museum for intimate enjoyment.

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The same emotion as the original

Introducing the first selection of fifteen Neoseries from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection that brings masters such as Caravaggio, Rubens or Velázquez within our reach. Thus, the experience of living with masterpieces goes beyond the walls of the museum in favour of domestic intimacy.

Our Neoseries reproduce the size, color, finishes, reflections and even the texture of the original work, seeking to provoke a comparable emotion facing its aura – which in Walter Benjamin’s time was impossible. Beyond the exclusive possession of the unique piece, we offer the same aesthetic experience by means of a very demanding facsimile that liquidates rights to artists and institutions and promotes culture.

These numbered and certified Neoseries of Masters increase their price by ten percent with each sold edition. Always produced on demand, the price is linked to their social acceptance, orders their commercial development and avoids hasty trivialisation. Thus, they are more rewarding for the more daring sensibilities.
The same emotion as the original finally within everyone’s reach.

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Venus y Cupido

Peter Paul Rubens - c.1606-1611
Masters Neoseries 53.5 x 43.3 in

Santa Catalina de Alejandría

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) - c.1598
Masters Neoseries 56.5 x 43.3 in

Retrato de doña Mariana de Austria, reina de España

Velázquez (Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez) - 1655-1657
Masters Neoseries 26 x 22 in

Paisaje con el descanso durante la huida de Egipto

Jan Lievens - c.1640-1645
Masters Neoseries 13.6 x 20.4 in

Mujer con sombrilla

Robert Delaunay - 1913
Masters Neoseries 47.6 x 33.5 in

Muchacho con turbante y un ramillete de flores

Michiel Sweerts - c. 1658-1661
Masters Neoseries 30.1 x 24.3 in

Mañana de Pascua

Caspar David Friedrich - c.1828-1835
Masters Neoseries 17.2 x 13.5 in

La Virgen del árbol seco

Petrus Christus - c.1465
Masters Neoseries 5.8 x 4.9 in

La ninfa de la fuente

Lucas Cranach el Viejo - c. 1530-1534
Masters Neoseries 29.5 x 47.2 in

La flota holandesa en Goere

Willem van de Velde II - c. 1672-1673
Masters Neoseries 27.4 x 38.5 in

El quimono

William Merritt Chase - c. 1895
Masters Neoseries 35.2 x 45.3 in

Composición XX

Theo Van Doesburg - 1920
Masters Neoseries 36.2 x 28 in

Campos de blanqueo en Bloemendaal cerca de Haarlem

Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael (atribuido a) - 1660
Masters Neoseries 13.6 x 16.7 in

Bodegón con frutas

Willem van Aelst - 1664
Masters Neoseries 26.5 x 20.5 in

Arquitectura pictórica (Bodegón: Instrumentos)

Liubov Popova - 1915
Masters Neoseries 41.5 x 27.2 in

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