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La Virgen del árbol seco

La Virgen del árbol seco

Masters Neoseries
High resolution pigment ink over cotton paper

12,4 X 14,7
Same size as the original artwork

Edition What is a Neoseries?
Next unit for sale No. 2 Open series. Production on demand
With certificate of authenticity


SKU: 390A

Work from

Petrus Christus

Petrus Christus was a Flemish artist born in the city of Baerle-Duc, now Baarle- Hertog, whose activity is primarily associated with Bruges. It is not known where Christus trained or the name of his master or masters.

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The Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum is a Madrid art gallery exhibiting the works of old and modern masters. It owes its existence to the lease agreement (1988) and the subsequent acquisition by the Spanish Government (1993), of the most valuable core of the private collection built over seven decades by the Thyssen-Bornemisza family.


Neoseries samples

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