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Isabel Campi

Barcelona, 1951

Isabel Campi (1951) graduated in Industrial Design at the Eina School and in History of Art from the University of Barcelona. She also has the Diploma of Advanced Studies of the doctorate Research in Design from the University of Barcelona. She specialized in theory and history of industrial design, teaching from 1977 as a lecturer at the Massana School, at the School of Industrial Design (URL), at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, at the University of Barcelona and at the Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin. She currently lectures at the Istituto Europeo de Design and at the Eina...

Isabel Campi (1951) graduated in Industrial Design at the Eina School and in History of Art from the University of Barcelona. She also has the Diploma of Advanced Studies of the doctorate Research in Design from the University of Barcelona. She specialized in theory and history of industrial design, teaching from 1977 as a lecturer at the Massana School, at the School of Industrial Design (URL), at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, at the University of Barcelona and at the Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin. She currently lectures at the Istituto Europeo de Design and at the Eina School, both in Barcelona.

A lecturer with a broad range, a frequent contributor to magazines and exhibitions and the author of half a dozen books, including Iniciació a la història del disseny industrial (1987), Què és el disseny? (1992-2006), Quiero ser diseñador (1992), La idea y la materia: El diseño de producto en sus orígenes (2007). Isabel Campi is one of the most authoritative voices of the Spanish academic panorama interested in design.

Designs Isabel Campi

Diseño y nostalgia

Isabel Campi - 2008

Fertile Eyes

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