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Korvenmaa, Pekka

Pekka Korvenmaa, is doctor of Art History and chair, vice-dean and professor at the Aalto University School of Art and Design of the university of Helsinki. He has led various research projects and teams and supervised doctoral studies in Finland and other parts of the world. Since 1981 he has published profusely onthe history of Finnish architecture and design. He has organised conferences in countries all over the world, including: Iceland, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and Chile. He has also chaired the Board of Directors of the Finnish Design...

Pekka Korvenmaa, is doctor of Art History and chair, vice-dean and professor at the Aalto University School of Art and Design of the university of Helsinki. He has led various research projects and teams and supervised doctoral studies in Finland and other parts of the world. Since 1981 he has published profusely onthe history of Finnish architecture and design. He has organised conferences in countries all over the world, including: Iceland, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and Chile. He has also chaired the Board of Directors of the Finnish Design Museum.

Designs Korvenmaa, Pekka

Ilmari Tapiovaara

Korvenmaa, Pekka - 1997

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