K. McCraw , Thomas
1940 - 2012
Thomas K. McCraw (1940-2012), a much-loved professor for thirty years at Harvard Business School (1976 – 2006), was the disciple, colleague and successor of Alfred D. Chandler at the head of the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History, and obtained the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1985. In 2009, the Business History Conference awarded him its most prestigious biannual award “for making business history more influential and accessible in broader fields of history and management”. This biography on Schumpeter, translated into seven languages, is perhaps...
Thomas K. McCraw (1940-2012), a much-loved professor for thirty years at Harvard Business School (1976 – 2006), was the disciple, colleague and successor of Alfred D. Chandler at the head of the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History, and obtained the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1985. In 2009, the Business History Conference awarded him its most prestigious biannual award “for making business history more influential and accessible in broader fields of history and management”. This biography on Schumpeter, translated into seven languages, is perhaps his most widely-read work.