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Thomas K. McCraw

1940 - 2012

Thomas K. McCraw (1940–2012), who taught for thirty years at Harvard Business School (1976–2006), was first a student and then a colleague of Alfred D. Chandler, and eventually succeeded him as Isidor Straus Professor of Business History. He won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1985.

In 2009 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business History Conference for “making business history more accessible and more influential in the wider fields of history and management .”

This biography of Schumpeter, translated into seven languages, may be his best-known...

Thomas K. McCraw (1940–2012), who taught for thirty years at Harvard Business School (1976–2006), was first a student and then a colleague of Alfred D. Chandler, and eventually succeeded him as Isidor Straus Professor of Business History. He won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1985.

In 2009 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business History Conference for “making business history more accessible and more influential in the wider fields of history and management .”

This biography of Schumpeter, translated into seven languages, may be his best-known work.

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