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El cuerpo del amor

Norman O. Brown

El cuerpo del amor

Norman O. Brown


Norman O. Brown

Norman O. Brown, (1913-2002), filósofo, crítico social, profesor de lenguas clásicas en las universidades de Wesleyan y Rochester y profesor emérito de Humanidades en la universidad de California, quedó fascinado a principios de los años 50 por el pensamiento de Freud y se propuso ir más allá del psicoanálisis. En "Life Against Death" (1959, publicado en esta colección bajo el título Eros y Tánatos) dio ese paso, empujado por "la necesidad de repensar la naturaleza y el destino del hombre". Esta obra le convirtió en líder intelectual -junto a su amigo Herbert Marcuse- del movimiento contracultural que surgió en Estados Unidos en los años 60, aun a su pesar, ya que Brown prefería ser conocido como investigador y profesor antes que como radical y revolucionario.
En sus obras establece brillantes conexiones entre referentes aparentemente inconciliables: Marx, Freud, Nietzsche, Blake, Jesucristo, Buda, Joyce,Â… observados desde una perspectiva atípica que le permite plantear estimulantes teorías.

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| 2005
Fertile Eyes

In the early 50s, Norman O. Brown was fascinated by Freud’s thinking and was determined to go beyond his psychoanalysis. In “Life Against Death” (1959, published in this same collection as “Eros y Tánatos”) Professor Brown gave the first step, driven by the “need to revaluate the nature and the destiny of man.” “Love’s Body” is the continuation of this voyage, which made of him an intellectual leader -together with his friend Herbert Marcuse- of the counter-cultural movement that arouse in the 60s in the United States, although much to his regret, as Brown preferred being known as a researcher and professor, and not as a radical and revolutionary.
With this masterwork, Norman O. Brown falls within the line of thought of renowned authors of the 19th and the 20th century,such as Nietzsche, Blake, Freud, or Emerson. The most respectable American critic has come to qualify it as a modern version of “Thus Spake Zarathustra”. More than 40 years after its publication, it still is an essential text. Its edition in Spanish offers new generations the suggestive reading of the best contemporary philosophy.


ISBN: 84-934626-1-6
norman-o-brown – 2005
Paperback, 23.5 x 16 cm / 9.165″ x 6.24″
246 pp

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