Historia de la Gestión
Historia de la Gestión
Daniel A. Wren
Daniel A. Wren se doctoró en la Universidad de Illinois y se incorporó posteriormente a la Universidad de Florida. Es profesor emérito de historia empresarial en la Universidad de Oklahoma desde 1999.
Ha sido presidente de la Southern Management Association, y también en 1975 de la Management History Division de la Academy of Management, que llegó a reconocerle como “el más sobresaliente historiador de la gestión de su generación”.
Published for the first time in 1972, this history of thought has been by far the most commonly used over the last few decades in the growing sphere of American business schools and universities, with frequent reprints and successive new additions and improvements until it reached the fifth edition in 2005 which is now translated into Spanish. The reader thus encounters a highly praised work, broadly considered as a classical reference throughout the world.
Daniel Wren relates the history of the main figures from this discipline, their life and their time, in addition to the lasting issues and the most influential ideas which have contributed to shaping management, from its expressions prior to the industrial revolution to the modern theories.
ISBN: 978-84-936162-1-2
daniel-a-wren – 2008
Paperback, 23.5 x 16 cm / 9.165″ x 6.24″
630 pp